Oh, I am SO enjoying this cooler weather. You are probably tired of hearing it...but when you have been without it so long, you just embrace it like a lost friend!
Yesterday it poured and poured...that was NOT fun to drive in, but today, it is overcast, very green....nice gentle breeze..and I have the windows open letting some fresh air in here. It's nice when the a/c stops running 24/7 and I don't have to breathe processed air! This real stuff with lower humidity is great!
It's been a crazy week so far so I haven't gotten as far as I would have liked to with my power sewing. I spent some time this morning, and I have gone as far as I can. Now I have the job of 180 1/2 sq triangle squares ahead of me, so that needs some concetrated time before I see any more 'real' progress on this thing.
I have to laugh...you guys! I didn't show you my ironing board so you could say how much you like it, or don't like it! It's an IRONING BOARD! :cD Is it supposed to match every quilt I press on it? It was cheap, I needed a new one, and walmart had this one. I kind of liked the barn red plaid with the chickens :c) However, my ironing board is NOT part of my interior decorating and I don't think it has to match anything, and it is okay with me if it clashes with some things that I sew ;c)
Are you getting the idea of these blocks yet? Do they look like the beginnings of a star to you? :c)
And I couldn't resist taking a picture of Oscar as he auditioned the pile of blue strips. I think he approved!
Ooh, Bonnie! Ooh, ooh, ooh, this is goig to be gorgeous!! I can't wait to see the whole thing!!
Yes! I see the beginning or should I say center of star blocks!
I LOVE stars and have to admit to having a stash of blues I would love to use up!!!!!
can't wait to see the finished quilt,
We have your rain today but am enjoying the cooler weather here in NJ as well....
and I LOVE the fall so looking forward to many days of open windows and cool , crisp, fresh air!
You are such a tease! So some of the hourglass parts will be stars and some will have strips and cornerstones. It's so hard to wait. It's just like being a kid and having to wait for Christmas!
that Oscar is such a Sweetiepie!
can't wait to see the whole quilt(s). Love, love that combo. Am supposed to be working on a quilt in those colours myself, but keep putting it off. You're inspiring me, as usual.
I love Oscar and the strips! Just the kind of thing I frequently find in my house when I leave stuff like that laying around. :-)
I'm more and more intruiged by your mystery project. And liking what I see very much.
Oscar looks very relaxed there in your blue fabric pile. Is he the type that invites belly scritches by rolling over, then kicks with his hind paws when he's had enough?
I'm really enjoying watching this shades of blue quilt emerge day by day. :)
glad oscar approved the pile, as I'm reallyt enjoying seeing this quilt emerge...
I'm loving the look of this quilt so far, and you know I love the colour! I see that Oscar likes blue too! You know, I hadn't even paid any attention to your ironing board, it's kind of a background thing for me ... you know, it's there, but I don't notice it.
Oh, Bonnie, I'm with you, have had the a/c off off off these past few days and talk about relief. What joy to have the windows open!
Oscar looks like he has an opinion on everything.
Quilt is looking good. Can't wait to see the end result.
Ahh a star! I"m just browsing quickly to try and catch up and I didn't read carefully what all those chained pieces were until tonight!
Oscar looks very happy - glad both of you are getting to play with fabric.
Oscar is becoming one with the quilt. What a devoted quilter he is. :oP
Yes I see the stars and it's getting very interesting. Hey I LIKE the ironing board cover Oscar looks very happy and content!!
What a cute cat! And I love the colours you are using right now.
Cute cat picture! These blocks are looking more and more interesting. Can't wait to see the next step!
Oscar matches the quilt colours.
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