I finished a quilt! (AMAZING, huh? Remember when I used to quilt all day?? *sigh*) I finished the hand quilting of the amish crazy strippy yesterday in between clients at work. At least that part is working out well...I can hand quilt in between clients without making too much of a mess, and people so far have liked seeing what I am working on.
I just have the sleeve and the binding left to do. I'll attach those, and also save that handwork for work...

I am also including a pic of a quilt that I am inspired to try! The antique pics came from a quilt that was listed on Ebay. I looked in blockbase, and it is called TWIN SISTERS! I thought it looked like windmill blades, but I like both names. I wanted to do it scrappy, with quick cutting techniques, and I got a good start on it, but need tons more blocks. I just haven't been able to make myself sit at the machine to piece because I am under the gun to get customer's quilts done and out the door. It's the "busy season" as far as quilting for others goes. County Fairs, Weddings, Kids off to college, Christmas gifts...push push push! (And yes, I got a bit behind because I took a week to go to MN.....but family comes first!)

Jeff starts school on the 17th. That means my mornings will get going a bit earlier here, and I am hoping to get some piecing time in the morning before the rest of my day starts. I'll make it work..it's just been a lot to juggle lately.
I hope all is well with you out there in quilty blog land!
Bonnie, Sounds like a whirlwind at your house.. Enjoy your visit with Lucy. Please post a pic of you two from your visit...
PS was on your website and saw the doo hickey on your machine to keep your seams straight (can't remember what its called!!!) I poked around in my attachments and found I had one for my machine. never knew what it did. Sewww , i put it on and LOVE IT. SUPER STRAIGHT SEAMS. thanks, annie
i LOVE THAT QUILT :) very pretty. Enjoy your visit I cant wait to see pics! xoxo melzie
Have a wonderful visit with Lucy and her family and show us lots of pics! Your Amish quilt and the twin sister blocks are all so interesting, just love them.
When Lucy said she would be in Atlanta, I wanted to go down to the airport and just say hi from a quilt blogger- but with security these days, I'd never get into the terminal. I hope you all have just a wonderful time, take pictures!!!Also, I love that twin sisters and hope that you include your quick cutting/piecing directions on Quiltville.
I need to get that pattern for Twin Sisters! My mom is a twin and I would love to do that for my mom and aunt! :)
Your scrappy Amish quilt turned out great as well.
Enjoy your visit, I'm sure everything will work out fine. Take a deep breath.
Your Amish scrappy looks fabulous, of course.
I like the quilt on the bottom, too. I made one for a missionary in Ganado way back when, and it went together so easily. I made slightly rectangular blocks with two strips, then cut them in half diagonally. This put the bias on the edges, but I was working with polyester knits, so it didn't matter so much. There was a fire and he lost a lot of stuff, so he needed covers fast. This filled the bill perfectly! I'm sure you'll think of a better way to do it, and post it on your site. =)
Your Amish quilt is to die for, Bonnie. Gosh. All of the lives you're touching...with both massage and your quilts-in-progress!
You've gotten quite a start on your Twin Sisters, indeed! Wouldn't it be fun if you and Lucy -- since your twin-sisters-at-heart -- could make this a team effort?!
Hugs to you and Lucy both! Have fun!!!
your amish inspired quilt turned out wonderfully and the one you're looking at doing is interesting too. What colours will ytou use/
I'm glad you're able to hand sew in spare moments at work Bonnie, at least you're getting some quilting done. Your lifestyle sounds frantic, but you wanted a change, didn't you?
If you're anything like Keryn and me when we get together, you and Lucy will want to stay up half the night talking, so I hope you get a good nights sleep!
Wow bonnie, this is a lovely quilt and your amishquilt is so gorgeous. I can't believe it that tomorrow I can see it all in real,and special you again !
Have a wonderful time catching up with Lucy and her family again. It will be wonderful for you to be able to share your world with her.
Once again you've come up with a wonderful scrappy quilt, and your quilting on the scrappy Amish quilt is just gorgeous! It's great you've been able to find a way to combine your quilting with your work.
I really like that scrappy quilt too - bet it'd look good in plaids too. :)
Bonnie - I LOVE that amish quilt! That is wonderful! You just have such a talent. Well you and Lucy! I"m dying to hear all about Lucy's visit. I wish I were there to visit too, but next spring in Paducah! And I'm planning on visiting with Tonya this fall when she is back in Maryland! My mom lives in Delaware so I'm combining the trips!
Your Amish quilt is so fun! I have seen that pattern for the TS quilt, but yours takes the cake. You really know how to make those scraps sparkle. sounds like you had a busy time in MN. I am visiting there now and thankfully the weather has cooled. the first week I was here it was in the 100's. Whew! But it is good to be here for a while and be with family.
The Amish strippy came out so incredibly well. I love that quilt and I love the quilting job you did on it. Glad you've been able to find the time to work on it. And a new sewing project - woohoo.
you're gonna have a fantastic visit with Lucy and family - doesn't matter what you eat or where anyone sleeps.
The Amish quilt is so nice! And I like the Twin Sister blocks. Does it go together quickly?
Have a fun visit with Lucy and her family, don't sweat the small stuff. They're here to see you, not your house.
Have fun with Lucy! I like the looks of the new quilt you are working on. Thanks again for the string x pattern on your site. I never get tired of it and made another with all polka dots that I gave at a baby shower and it was a hit! I posted a pic of it last week.
Wow - it only seems like two minutes since you were at Lucy's!! Have fun. Love the new quilt and the Amish one turned out great.
I love your quilt =) I did a twin sisters as my very first quilt project. It is really fun, good luck with it.
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