The other part is that Blogger is not LIKING me and is not uploading my pics. AUGH! I get the "waiting for" prompt on the bottom of the screen, but nothing uploads. I've edited my photos. they are way under 100k a piece...I don't know what the deal is, but I did upgrade my firefox and maybe it has something to do with that. Some glitch or something. I didn't have the problem with the OLD firefox!
FINALLY! I have tried IE, I have tried netscape, I went back to firefox, I rebooted the computer...FINALLY..I can get pics in!

This quilt pic is of a customer's "dutch geese" quilt. I LOVE IT! It reminds me so much of the colors I saw in the netherlands, some places even the walls were painted this bright blue, or the golden yellow...this is the next quilt up on my machine and I'm needing some ideas on how to quilt it. The fabrics are SO busy, there isn't alot of space for quilting that will show. I'm leaning towards baptist fans, but what thread color? Every color is going to clash somewhere...I'm thinking either the gold, or kind of an in-between grey-blue that might hide itself in the prints of the fabrics. I can use any suggestions you can send!

When Jason and Shanon came to visit in March, we made an appt to go to sears to get pics made. The fight with the scanner meant that I never got around to uploading them! Here is one I really like....done in sepia tones. The boys are 22, and 16 and when they were little, you could tell the age difference. I see now that the gap is getting narrower! They are about the same height and I hope that when Jeff has also grown into adulthood that they will form a strong brotherly bond. With the 6 years in between they never had a lot in common, other than pestering each other.

This close up is of Jason and Shanon. A couple weeks ago they moved up to Mankato Minnesota where Shanon's family and grandparents live. This tickles me, because I was born in Minnesota! I still have aunts, uncles, cousins, second cousins and one grandfather who also still live there. There is a family reunion for my mom's side of the family at the end of July and I am looking forward to going. My mom lives in Idaho, and it's been FOUR YEARS since we have seen eachother due to the fact that we are nearly on opposite sides of the country. Jason and Shanon will be able to come to the family reunion too, and I will get to meet Shanon's family. I'm really looking forward to this trip.

And now for the Boney Macaroni part! It's a nickname we have given Jeff...he has gotten so tall so fast, that there is no meat on his bones :c) His brother did the same thing, and so did their father and myself in our teenage years. I have no fear, just wait til they hit 40...and I know they will fill out :c| This is the buzz cut that Jeff and his friend did last week. When he said he SHAVED his head...I thought really's just a short buzz, and I really like it! So does he. You can see his friend Allen behind him in the pic if you look close.
I did get my bernina picked up last friday, and hallelujia, they did a cleaning/maintenance on it too, not just fix the foot pedal, so I don't have to take it in next month and be without it again. I also bought the new foot that has the knife edge on it for accurate 1/4" piecing. Not sure if I like it as well as I liked just having the screw on guide up against it, but I haven't done much piecing to really tell if it is going to work for me or not. I pieced ONE block over the weekend, and that was for a block lotto for a small group that I belong to.
This past weekend I did post-event massage at an olympic distance triathlon in Greenwood was 100 degrees, with the heat index make that 105 in the shade, and I was roasting! When I came home from that I just died in front of the a/c for the rest of the afternoon. My massage practice is building, which is wonderful....I'm still keeping up on customer quilts, but it has eatten in to the time for my own piecing/quilting and I feel bad about I've chopped off my right foot. I just hope it grows back soon!
I'm heading into the clinic in about an hour...I'm fully booked this afternoon, I don't finish my last client until 6:15, I'll be home around 7pm....I'll feel like going to bed, and starting another day when I wake up tomorrow morning. That's about the extent of it!
My word! Jeff with his hair cut short looks the image of his elder brother - good lucking lads Bonnie - you must be well proud of them - funny your eldest ending up back where you originated from - my baby brother ended up where my parents lived when they were first married long before he was born and where my father and I were both born - even stranger he has now taken a job as CEO of the local rugby club where our great-grandfather was president around a hundred years ago - life has a way of turning full circle
Sorry - dyslexia of the fingers there - I meant good-looking :o)
Love the customer quilt..never thought of making pinwheels from 4 flying geese like that. I think either the gold or the greyish blue would work, I'd lean more toward the blue. I think fans are a perfect choice as nothing really else will show up.
I agree with Anne...good looking bunch of kids! I like the scalped look, and he's right that it will be perfect for summer!
Bonnie, the kids do look great! They all look happy and that counts for a lot!
As to the thread, it's hard to tell from the picture but what about Mother Goose or Baguette? I use those two a lot! I quilted one of my own quilts last week that had lots of brights and I was going ot use gold and ended up using Oyster Shell, a light gray, and it worked great. Not sure if it would blend with the golds but it would sure work with the blues.
Judy L.
I agree -- fans in the greyish blue would look great! And it's not just you that blog is giving fits to -- lots of us are having photo problems and posting problems. Jeffs head looks terrific!
Girl you are running at full throttle! Take care of that the counseling is finished. The kids look great and I'm sure you'll do something wonderful with the quilt (you always do!)
Wow Bonnie! so much to catch up on in your life! The Dutch Geese quilt is wonderful! I would choose a gold thread, I think it would look best against the reds and blues and of course the gold. Quilting Pattern? Wow - that is where I always fall back to ones I love. I was thinking maybe clamshells if you don't want to baptist fan it?
Jeff and Jason and Shannons pictures are all so wonderful! What great pictures to have! And how great you get to see your mom and them this summer in MN! Very cool!
What a nice pictures!!! The one in sepia is a treasure. their smiles are so good to see :c) .
Jeff is looking like his dad ! do you see it too ...
I love the dutch quilt. Yes the colors reminds me to the museum in marken !! They always inspired me to make a quilt with those colors . and here it is. Does the customer know that she used that kind of colors? you can show her a picture. I think I made one inside the little house in Marken . Lovely !!!
Glad you got your Bernina back but so sorry you don't have the time/energy to play with your own sewing. MN in the middle of summer sounds nice and relatively cool. Over a hundred - yick.
Bonnie I'm exhausted just reading your post! Love the photos - they are so precious and it's rare to get all the family to cooperate for those formal photos.
Oooh I really like your customer's quilt. Good luck with the job! It's a hard one.
I could so do with a massage - don't suppose you service Canberra, Australia? LOL
Here you are!! I figured that you were going around at about 100 m.p.h...and I was right! ;o)
I love the buzz cut too!! There are days that I SO WANT to do the same to my hair. So far, I've not. :oP
It sounds like you're really staying busy!
On the quilt, I'd be tempted to use a variegated thread, in the red/orange/yellow range. I've been looking at the different patterns you can buy, now that I'm trying freehand with my machine - not that I'm going to buy any, just for ideas.
For all those geese, guess I'd go for something simple too. I've seen some that have the look of puffy clouds, and look almost like a meander at first.
The haircut turned out great! Bet it's a lot more comfortable for summer!
At least all of that schooling did not go to waste! & now you are getting the people interaction that you wanted before massage...
Lovely family photos! I like the sepia too.
My vote for the quilting is BF with the blue grey thread...
the pictures are great Bonnie ! Don't worry about the mohawk, not too many 40 year olds running around with them. So that must mean we all grow up and become a bit more subdued in style.
Happy to hear about the massage business growing. Just saw on the news last night that Americans are now obsessed with massage, which is great for you !
When I looked at the quilt and just started reading your post - I immediately thought "gold" for quilting thread, and then further down you'd said gold too - great minds and all that!
Jeff looks cute with his hair gone LOL
Make sure you schedule time for yourself or you'll burn out! Glad work is going great and you're enjoying it.
That is a great quilt - my favorite colors!
Love the buzz - wish it were fashionable for ladies! :) Think of all the extra quilting time we'd have!
Oooh! That quilt is brilliant! You've probably already gotten it machine quilted by now and back to the owner...but I would love to see BFs on this baby! Love 'em. I know you'll have the perfect colored thread, Bonnie.
Those boys of yours are quite good looking! You and hubby did well! And Shanon is such a pretty lady...those eyes!
How fun that your kids are moving where you have roots! Isn't life interesting! You'll soon be up in my neck of the! We may have to meet up somewhere!!!
I never heard much about Minnesota until I found out last month that we have to move there.
Keith's company has a manufacturing plant in Mankato and they're moving their corporate offices from Marietta, GA to Minneapolis. I visited the city for the first time last week and really liked it in JUNE but I'm afraid of the winters!
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