
Thursday, April 20, 2006

The wonders of Packing...

I started packing for my trip last night. And freaking out because all this needs to fit in two bags, and a carry on! AUUGHH!

I mentioned that I was going to get some of those space bags. Let me tell you....THEY ARE AWESOME! They have this travel size that you don't need to have the vacuum to suck out the air....they are double zipped at the top, and you grasp the top, and roll it towards the bottom...there are one-way flow valves in the bottom that let OUT the air, but keep it from coming back in!

This is my coat! I know I need a warm coat there for evenings and mornings....and I didn't want to carry it on the plane, and it takes up A LOT of room in my luggage..so...voila! Suck the air out and here you have it! It's like..Coat-in-a-seal-a-meal!! Only these bags are reusable!

I can't go to Lucy's and not have a handwork project! I've seen so many pictures of her front living room and that comfy couch...now I'm going to be sitting on it enjoying the evening and her family and stitching on MY hexagons while she works on hers! (Or whatever she is working on!

Would you believe there are THREE quilts and their trimmings in the third space bag?! That batting holds a lot of air....Suck it all out and you have one small package! They might need to be dryer fluffed when we get there, but these would have nearly filled the suitcase by themselves if I didn't put them in a space bag!

This pic is of some goodies I'm taking to Lucy and her family. Other than the ballcap on top (for Pim) I don't think that she can tell what they are right now...they are all squooooooshed :c) Fun fun fun!
I also reamed the local goodwill store for a bunch of plaid shirts for her..all 100% cotton and NOT homespun. It's hard to find plaids that have an old look, but still that cotton feel, where homespun is really thick and ravelly, you know? So...I'm taking a bunch of shirts. Those are also packed into a space bag, along with 3 good sized samples of different battings for her....and it sucked out SO SMALL!

Now if I could only put space bags around my thighs and tummy and suck THOSE small too...wouldn't that be great? :c)



Judy said...

I was seriously reading and then you made be bust out laughing with your line about putting a bag on your thighs!! LOL! At first I saw the bags and though uh oh! If they search you there's no vaccum to re-suck them...but then you explained how great these bags are. Do you have the name of them..or where you got them? I'd love to get some. Especially since they don't require the vaccum. Now if you do find some for the tummy...please share!!*VBG*

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

These were the "space bag" just like the ones they advertise on the TV..only for "TRAVEL". I got mine at Bed Bath & Beyond for $19.99 and it includes 8 bags of various sizes. BB&B also has those great 20% off coupons they keep sending me in the mail..so I used that. I also like their CD's for my massage music..and the coupons are good on those too (I just hate to have coupons burning a hole in my wallet...)


Lucy said...

And I can take the look what happen when the bags fills themself with air.. LOL

tami said...

Those bags are too cool. I bet if they did have them for thighs and tummies you wouldn't be able to get any because they would be all sold out ALL THE TIME.

Melzie said...

haha you made me LOL with the thigh/tummy comment. Not sure of the shipping but my friend just this week go those and brought them over to try out (very kewl!) and she got hers from the LTD cataloge. Have a fun trip your kitty is cute :) xoxo melzie

The Calico Cat said...

Thanks for the unpaid testamonial - I've always wondered... & with us going to Australia...

Quilts And Pieces said...

Holly uses them for storing stuff at college and bringing home - aren't the wonderful! But I would have never guessed you would fit 3 quilts and trimmings in one! Now that is cool!

But I think you have something there with the tummy and thighs (and butt) thing.....

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, you are so funny LOL LOL! That's a mountain of stuff you got into those bags! Have a great time :-)

Patty said...

those space bags look like they work great.
Just think of all the things you can buy over there and bring home cause you will have more space on the way back.

Lucy said...


Cher said...

looking forward to reading posts from you and Lucy about your time together...looks like you did an awesome job of packing and thereby making room to bring home stuff too.

Anonymous said...

Have a great time Bonnie and give Lucy a big hug from me...Tina

Lily Mulholland said...

Well done on the space bags - they are great aren't they?

LOL I need some for my thighs too!

Have a great trip :)

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