
Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Too Small for Stash Shopping!

Just putting a quickie pic over here because there was no more room over on Lucy's Blog! I have hogged it all! I wonder if space on her blog is like "roll over minutes" My posts are long, hers are short...so she has more room for mine?! :cD

When I read "The Davinci Code" a couple of months back, I was curious as to what a "Smart Car" was. Today I found one! I think I can even put it in a SPACE BAG and bring it home with me :cD

Today's installment IS over at Lucy's Blog, so please stop by and follow our travels through the Waterland!



Quilts And Pieces said...

The smart car is great! I had no idea what that was either! It looks soooo tiny! I'm so enjoying your posts here and on Lucy's blog. Give her a big hug for me!

ForestJane said...

That is pretty cute! I bet you could quilt a little cover for it in a day!

Anonymous said...

We see a few of those smart cars over here - very cute and dinky :-) You look like you're having a ball!

Dale Anne Potter said...

We see more and more smart cars here in Canada - gas is too much anymore!!!
Looks like you are having a GREAT time!

Patti said...

What a funky little car! I wondered what they looked like when I read that book. My friends who spent some time in Europe talked about how small they were but I just couldn't picture it. Doesn't look like one would be very safe in our world of huge SUV's and pickups.

Evelyn aka Starfishy said...

Smart cars are popular in Austria too - no wonder with gas being about 4 US$ per gallon over there. Great inner city cars - especially when it comes to finding a parking spot!



tami said...

I just love those. We went to Monacco a few years ago. They were all over the place. DS was so enamored with them we spent hours finding a "matchbox" sized one for him to bring home.
My favorite car though was the Honda HRV. I have a CRV and the HRV looked just like mine only in miniature.

Tonya Ricucci said...

Whee tiny. Speaking of cars, I saw a PT Cruiser Police Cruiser in Florida. Made me think of you. Glad you are having such a great time.

Patty said...

I saw a smart car in the parking lot of Home Depot not too long ago. Sure wouldn't mind owning one ! Can you pack one in your bag for me on your trip home : )

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