
Monday, April 17, 2006

Squares & Spirals!

I had fun playing yesterday with the spiral template from Circle Lord. Sometimes I get busy doing my own thing, and forget how cool these templates can be if I would just remember to USE THEM!? I have templates that I bought with good intentions, completely...and they have yet to be tried. Maybe the right quilt just hasn't come along yet.

The spirals can be done either as a single spiral with the lines farther apart, or you can double stitch it, so the stiching is closer together..In this quilt I alternated double spirals with single ones to give a fun texture to the quilt..I filled in the corners of the blocks with flaming "stuff" I don't know what else to call it, not really enough room to do mc tavishing.....just kind of sunflower petals or flames.

It was hard to get a pic of this that would show the detail, but I hope you can get an idea!

I've got THREE more quilts to do before leaving for Lucy's on Saturday. Talk about nose to the grindstone...or is that quiltstone? These three quilts are going to a customer who lives in Amsterdam, so she is getting personal delivery service from me! Hmmmm...I wonder if this means I can write my miles and my airflight off as a business expense? :c)



Judy said...

Wow Wee! I really like that quilt and of course the quilting is perfect! I really wish it was easier to make circles on a small machine...my green envy is showing *VBG*. Super job Bonnie! Have a great time visiting Lucy!

Quiltgranny said...

Oh I love those circles and spirals! And the quilts too!

Hanne said...

Lovely quilting Bonnie.

Anonymous said...

I love the different widths of the spirals - wonderful texture and a great look for this lovely bright quilt!

Patty said...

wow i love the spirals. That is just what I had in mind for my tie dye square quilt......

Helen in the UK said...

Another beautiful job with the quilting. Lucky lady to have you quilting 3 quilts and delivering them by hand :)

Darcie said...

Ooh, ooh, ooh! I love your spirals, Bonnie! Goodness sakes...as soon as I get my BF template paid off, I may have to look into this one.

Love the blue and yellow too. What a match you and your client make!

Tonya Ricucci said...

Great job matching the quilt design to this bright, bold quilt. I hope you know they changed the weight allowance - now 50 lb per bag instead of 70 lb.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, I love the spiral template you used the quilting show's up great...

Quilts And Pieces said...

Your yellow and blue spiral quilting is really fun! I just love circles on the right quilts! This was very fun!

Have a WONDERFUL time with Lucy! We want lots of pictures and hear all about it when you get back!

Samantha said...

That template really sets off those blocks beautifully! Great job!

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