I went to bed EARLY last night after hearing that they were on their way back home to Dallas. It was like everything, all the stress, exhaustion, exhilaration, etc just lifted and left me with nothing left to give last night. I slept like a log. Ahhhh...now things can get back to normal!

I'm uploading pics of the big bin of scraps that I've been trimming down in the mornings while they were sleeping in. Nice quiet work, and I really am making a dent in it. I used to not really be able to close this bin! And besides the chock full bin (that got even fuller after I added the pile of scraps that was gifted to me last week)I also had a 1/2 full laundry basket left from trimming backings and bigger pieces that needed to be either sorted by color and folded and put away, or ugly stuff I wanted cut down and fed into the scraps. The laundry basket is completely empty and now I'm just working on this bin!

Also is a pic of my trip to Mary Jo's and Long Creek Mills yesterday. The thread I needed. Especially the different shades of green...because what I had wasn't going with anything! A girl just HAS to have the right green, you know? And tanny-neutrals are always needed. Who can live without the right shade of pink or purple either? I am thinking when I run low on something, I need to keep a little color card so I know what to restock with. Long Creek Mills is so huge and overwhelming it is easy to forget what you went in there for in the first place! It's a good thing it is 2 hours drive away from me (as is Mary Jos)because I like to buy thread just because I like the color, who knows if I'll ever have a quilt that needs that thread, I just have to have it because it is pretty!
The two piles of FQ's......I was shopping for Lucy and myself, so it was "One for Lucy, One for me!" We have such similar tastes that I feel pretty sure she will like what I picked up for her off the 99 cent table! The ruler is a hexagon ruler, she has a project planned for that, so I'm tucking that into my luggage for her too. ONE MONTH FROM TODAY!! I'm going to the netherlands one month from today...can you tell I can't wait!

I need to get this house in order (Jeff just left for school so I am home alone again! AHHH BLISS!) and finish the quilting on Elizabeth's tea party quilt. It is about 1/2 done, but with all the running around of the family being here and together, I didn't get the time this past week to finish it as I wanted. That is my goal...and then I will save the sewing on of the binding and the hanging sleeve for evening work. Here is a little sneak preview though!
Hi Bonnie, sounds like a wonderful visit, even with too much eating out...LOL. Luckily that's not a lifestyle choice all the time..*G*
Fun seeing the kids, the bin of scraps, the thread and the progress on the teacups quilt. Isn't it great when life gets back to "normal"???
Love the thread rainbow!
I didn't know wisteria grew wild anywhere -- that would be breathtaking to see! Everything here is very "cultivated."
Jeanne :)
great scrap progress, and I'm glad to hear everyone is safely home!!
I love the tea party quilt and your quilting design. Can't wait to see it all. Sounds like you had a busy week again but lots of fun with family.
The tea party quilt is looking truly beautiful and so very feminine :-) You're gonna need that holiday with Lucy after your busy and hectic schedule of late LOL. Glad the kids got home safely!
Nice to read your are going to visit my country in a Months time. I really hope the weather has improved by then.
The tea party quilt is looking great by the way
Oh baby look at that bin of scraps! And the thread is to die for! I LOVE those greens and golds! oooo, ahhhh,
You're a thread-crazed fiend, too Bonnie?!?!?! It's insane, isn't it!
Bonnie the quilting on Elizabeths tea party quilt is so pretty. You have such a great talent...I hope one day I can Herilome Machine quilt just half as well as you do...Hugs Tina
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