Well we found it..Maggie Valley, NC..and when DH said it was "RUSTIC" he wasn't kidding! *LOL* I asked him if there was indoor plumbing and electricity, or if we had to tramp to an outhouse?? Actually, it looks great inside, and I'm excited about a week long retreat here.
The "blurb" about the rental says:
"Alpine Height's log cabin is dedicated to making your getaway better that any other. Large, beautifully decorated, three-bedroom, two-bath cabin has everything the heart desires.This is the place for pure relaxation and/or fun and games if you should choose. The Hall's have gone out of their way to provide you with everything you need right at your fingertips - from a "places to go/things to do" directory to board games and a 100-plus video library. Not to mention miles of hiking right out the front door and only two (2) miles from the ski slopes and horseback riding. All this and more within two miles of downtown Maggie Valley. Come join the fun. "
It's pet-friendly so we are going to bring Buddy, our Golden Retriever with us. This will be better than boarding him somewhere, and then he can keep me company while I quilt....we can go on walks while the guys go do their guy things like snoboarding and skiing.
We found this on http://www.vrbo.com/ (Vacation rentals by owner) and we've had alot of luck with the previous rentals we've found.
This trip will be in lieu of excessive amounts of presents for each other that no one needs or really wants. What would you really want to have? STUFF? Or a week long trip away to a cabin in the mountains? NO CONTEST!! Jeff's presents will be his ski passes and probably some clothing that he needs (15 yrs old and chooses to dress like a homeless bum..like most teenagers!) And the real gift will be time away.
We are going the week BEFORE Christmas, so we will be going on the 17th, and returning on the 24th. We will have Christmas Day at home.
A whole WEEK there! Now the question is.....since we are bringing the dog, will there be room for a sewing machine and some projects, or do I pack just hand work and work my way through those 100+ videos they say they have? :cD
Wow bonnie,
Does they rent also this house for summer for 6 persons??? I love it !!!
That's a perfect Christmas in my book. Looks like a wonderful place to get away from it all!
This fellas feelin reeli left out aft puttin so much efit int mi peece bak thar at qwilt secshin ‘Rethinking again’.
Ok –
So maB it twos rittin in uncovenshinil stile bu, ol the sam it woz rittin wit pashin & purpis an tol the trute ‘bout mi Frister & Rossman soin machin engagmint wit curtins here in the Grate Yu & ov Kay (Unitid Kingdim).
Dear Obertra...I tried to answer you privately, but you don't have email set up in your blogger profile, it went to noreply-comment@blogger.com which means it didn't get to you!
I enjoyed reading your post, I had to think really hard at what you were saying, and imagining it with a thick brit accent, and I would have liked to have gotten a glimpse at those curtains you ended up with!
If you make yourself easier to reply to it would help!
In Stitches - - -
Ta! Ta! evasa Ta! Bonnie!
Have bin 'Takin the Mikey' somewhat with my written style which I tend to use while visiting other blog sites but, it is just by way of trying to be 'creative' with words, etc. 'specially as the young (which I'm not now) use 'texting' which is; lets face it; changing the face of how language is communicated and written.
Eniwaz, injoy yor blog & thos tht contribute wit ther comints.
'Qwilts R Kool'
Bonnie, look like a great place for a week away. We've had good luck with vrbo.com too.
Judy L.
Looks lovely. Just take the handquilting if that's what you're in the mood to do, and a really good bright portable light in case the room you're in doesn't have enough lighting. Any quilting stores in the vicinity?
Bonnie -
I am jealous! If you are going to be there a whole week I would try and squeeze your sewing machine into the car - just in case the hand work gets old!
Have fun!
Oh Bonnie! This looks like the perfect get away spot! I would be in heaven! What a wonderful "gift" to all of you! I can't wait to see pics and hear all about it. Any lucky you to have "me" time while the boys are out doing their thing!
Well I'm just going to admit it Bonnie...I'm darn jealous!!! LOL
Kidding aside...this sounds so awesome. What a gorgeous and well-deserved escape for all of you to share together!
My advice: TAKE EVERYTHING!!! And the crochet hooks, too...there should be some terrific yarn shops, don't you think?
Thanks for sharing!
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